Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Water and Earth, Prologue, scene 4 -- A Moment in the Meetinghouse Library

Previous: Researching Together Table of Contents

Not by chance, we find ourselves in a local church, in the early evening a day or two later. As we pass the meetinghouse library, we glance in and see the young man and the young woman, with the young woman's parents, notebooks out, working together at an internetworked communications terminal.

"Are you coming to church tomorrow?" we hear the young man ask in between comments on the data they are working on.

"I think we plan on coming in the morning. Isn't that right, Dad?"

"Yeah, Sweat-heart."

"You let your dad call you that?"

"He can't be helped, sometimes."

We hear her father chuckling and her mother clearing her throat.

"How about you?" the young woman's voice has a slight but noticeable brightness.

"Uhm, I'm in the afternoon congregation."

"Oh. Guess we won't see you tomorrow." The brightness fades.

Glancing back again, we notice the young man's pensive expression, as if he is debating with himself on some great and weighty question.

"Uhm," there is a brightness in his voice, now, "would you like me to come in the morning and introduce you to my friends in the morning congregation?

The young woman seems focused on the terminal screen and her notebooks.

"So how do you plan to introduce Water Princess?" She smiles at the screen.

The young man chuckles now. "It isn't fair."

"Maybe next week."

We watch as the young man sighs silently, and a look of resignation crosses his face before he points something out on the screen and returns his attention to their research. "Great, great-- How many greats back is this aunt Eleri?"

He steals a look, to see the young woman's reaction, but she is busy counting the generations.

"Fourth great aunt. Might be a nice name to think about giving a daughter. On the other hand, maybe she wouldn't like the weight of the legends."

"Legends weigh heavy on every name in the old language." Scanning the screen, he tries again. Perhaps he is hoping she is named after one of her aunts, and might guess by her response. Perhaps not.

We continue on our business.

Table of Contents Next: A Young Girl 
Almost Drowns

[JMR20190312: Backed up here:

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