Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Water and Earth, Prologue, scene 6 -- The Messengers

Previous: A Young Girl Almost Drowns Table of Contents

土 -- So I have brought her.

使 -- You are the Water Princess.

水 -- I am ... I am? What do you mean? And why?

観 -- We have waited a long time.

水 -- For what?

助 -- For you.

水 -- For what? You will wait longer. No one owns me. And putting children at risk is not part of any acceptable plan. It's not fair.

観 -- Putting children at risk?

使 -- We must consider this.

助 -- What is your opinion, Earth Prince?

土 -- I think that true helpers do not use coercion.

観 -- No one is being forced.

水 -- Nor do they rush things.

観 -- We are not rushing you, Water Princess. We are merely helping things along.

助 -- It is not time. Earth Prince is not ready.

観 -- How can it not be time, Earth Prince? You have finished three of your courses.

土 -- Earth Prince has other courses still to complete.

水 -- And Water Princess, if I am such, must also do certain things.

使 -- Water Princess has spoken, and Earth Prince concurs.

観 -- Must it be so?

助 -- It must.

観 -- So be it. We wait. How many days?

水 -- Five years.

観 -- Years?

使 -- Water Princess says years.

観 -- Do we have so much time?

助 -- Do we dare cut the natural course short?

使 -- We dare not.

観 -- The Prince and the Princess are resolute?

土 -- We are.

観 -- We must consult.

土 -- Those on the surface will be worrying.

助 -- You shall return.

土 -- Agreed.

使 -- Water Princess is not happy about this. Will you return?

水 -- I suppose I could.

Table of Contents Next: Reassurances

[JMR20190312: Backed up here: 

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