Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Heathen in the Kingdom of Peace -- Editorial Discussion

Before the Storm

Maybe too much Hailey?
After all,
she doesn't really play much of a role in the rest of this.

Ah, but she was no small part of the reason 
you found yourself back in the kingdom of peace. 

But just reading her chats and shared journal entries
is a little bit boring,
don't you think?

Maybe for some, 
but I think they will have a certain interest 
to more than a few readers. 
But if I write this as a regular novel I'll have to make interpolations
that I don't want to impose on the reader.
Even if I do that, 
I want to make sure I get your source records translated correctly first. 

Could you start somewhere more interesting?

Interesting how? 
The effect Hailey had on your life was not insignificant.

True, but a middle school student,
or even a college student
is going to rapidly lose motivation to continue reading that.
It's not exciting to watch two people
who once liked each other
break up.

Okay, exciting.
Should we start where you discovered 
you had a new roommate 
who was one of your young female students? 
And the BOE didn't see any reason to change the arrangements?

I guess that requires some explanation to be believable.

I think it does, 
and it isn't the only thing that needs laying groundwork. 
Speaking of the Board of Education,
didn't they call an emergency meeting of sorts?

That meeting still makes no sense to me.


Backed up at

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