Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Heathen in the Kingdom of Peace -- Arrival

A Note from Jeremy

$ search KOP sessions 7D9.02.14 Arrival

## Arrival (read-only browse) 7D9.02.14 C:43 --

$ chat Hailey

# private: 7D9.02.14 C:43:E1
# Hailey 9:80 -

Oh, Hailey,
how I wish
you had been willing to come with me.
It's what? Two in the morning there?
You'll be sleeping now, I guess.

I'm awake

You're awake.

Wishing you'd been willing 
To put off this part of your coursework
Just a little longer.

just a little?

Okay, a couple of years.
Your master's in education could wait that long
Couldn't it?

My supervisors said
I really need to move ahead.

Yeah, the supervisors say

This could have been a great honeymoon.

For a few day
Or even a couple weeks
Sure, great
If we could've afforded it.

But we could be getting paid to do this,
paid student teaching,
 in this beautiful Kingdom of Peace.

We've talked this over before
How many times?

Too many,
 I guess.

I'd've been happy just to spend
Our first year together student teaching
Near our families.

What about
my foreign language requirement?

Well, you've got another language 
You need to pick back up

The language of the Kingdom of Rabbits.

It's my foreign language. 
What have you got against it?
I've only studied the language for a month,
a long time ago.
What have you got against
 the beautiful Kingdom of Peace?


Of course.

I don't think it's so beautiful.

I still can't see why.

It gives me bad dreams.

Bad dreams

It takes you away from me.

In your dreams?

And in the real world, too.
It owns a place in your heart I can't touch.

Touching what can't be touched
is part of growing old together.

If only. 
Your Kingdom of Peace is not

# 7D9.02.14 C:64:B8
# Hailey 9:80 -

Not what?

A kingdom of peace to me. 

There's my train into town.

It's taking you away

# 7D9.02.14 C:6F:D4
# Hailey 9:80 -

From me.

# 7D9.02.14 C:7E:3F
# Hailey 9:80 -

Okay, I'm on the train.
I miss you so much.

# 7D9.02.14 C:8B:72
# Hailey 9:80 -


# 7D9.02.14 C:9E:96
# Hailey 9:80 -

#include "pic/0000A5" 3 compressed copy "
West Region International Airport
shining in the night
on its own little island in the bay --
  Looking back from the train
as I head in to Grand Incline."

Well, get some sleep.

$ terminate

# 7D9.02.14 C:A0:01 saved
# Hailey 9:80 -

$ journal KOP

# private unshared: 7D9.02.14 D:07:3D

#include "chat/Hailey/7D9.02.14 C:43:E1" copy

So it uses my traveling bandwidth to post pictures for her, but I do want her to see what I see here -- to see at least some of the beauty.

Would she be having those bad dreams if she were willing to join me in this adventure?

I have forebodings as well, but it is because she refuses. I am sure it is because she refuses to come with me.

(But no confirmation in my heart.)

So she did not come with me.

It would cost a day's wages to stay overnight at a cheap hotel in Grand Incline, and that is cheaper than staying at the airport. Hailey's not here with me, no reason to waste the money.

A night train with sleeping berths is a little more expensive than a hotel, but it would leave me in Deer Isles, just a local train to Shining Springs and a ferry to Three Days' Island. If I decide to be really cheap and take local trains, I'm going to be sleeping on a station bench somewhere between 0:80 and 3:00 or so.

I could deal with that if I didn't have the luggage. Even with my luggage, odds are not high that it will grow legs while I'm asleep in this country.

If I want to play the odds.

(No impressions in my heart.)

Hmm. Night buses --

There's a direct route to Deer Isles. Stops in Shining Springs after that. Seat available, has a luggage compartment. I'm within luggage limits.

(This feels right.)

$ terminate

# 7D9.02.14 D:0D:EB saved.

$ journal ALT

# shared: 7D9.02.14 D:25:72
# Hailey 9:80 -

Shifting to shared journal so I don't wake you. Sorry about using the chat before.

#$[Hailey/7D9.02.14 F:16:15 9:80 -:

It's okay. 
I was having trouble sleeping anyway. 

Sorry I zonked out on you while you ran for the train.

#$[Jeremy/7D9.02.15 4:35:72:

No problem about the train. Sorry about your trouble sleeping.


Since you're not here with me, it seems to make more sense to not spend much time in Grand Incline, or on sightseeing on the way to the job.

I looked at taking a night train that has sleeping cars. It would be more expensive than a cheap hotel room, but it would leave me in Deer Isles within easy reach of Three Days' Island, just a local train to Shining Springs and then a ferry.

Also looked at taking local trains, but that would leave me sleeping on a station bench somewhere, waiting for a morning train.

The cheapest fare is a night bus, and it will also save me a hotel stay. So I'm heading on to Deer Isles tonight. The bus just happens to stop in Shining Springs after the Deer Isles Station, so it saves a bit of local fare as well.

#$[Hailey/7D9.02.14 F:18:6C 9:80 -:

And if I'd been awake, 
I'd've told you to get a hotel. 
I'm glad you're not going to be sleeping on a station bench.
Yeah, the sleeping car sounds interesting. 
But you need a place to crash before your first face-to-face with the board of education. 
And sightseeing by yourself wouldn't hurt you, either.

So, any pictures I take on the way, when I'm not asleep, will be night views.

#$[Hailey/7D9.02.14 F:19:C9 9:80 -:

And that's just fine. 
You really don't have to show me all the good stuff I'm missing.

#$[Jeremy/7D9.02.15 4:38:34:


On the plus side, it will save my traveling bandwidth a bit to not send pics. Want to save money in case you change your mind or decide to come visit.

#$[Hailey/7D9.02.14 F:1A:E1 9:80 -:


$ suspend

# 7D9.02.14 D:4A:39 (autosave)
# Hailey 9:80 -

$ resume

# shared: 7D9.02.14 D:C3:7F
# Hailey 9:80 -

I'm on the bus, going over Great Lighthouse Bridge. With the cloud cover, I couldn't get a good night shot of Grand Incline, or of anything until God's Door.

#include "pic/0000A8" 3 compressed copy "
God's Door, city at night -- looking back from Great Lighthouse Bridge."

#include "pic/0000AB" 3 compressed copy "
Breaker Road Island in the moonlight -- looking ahead from Great Lighthouse Bridge."

Still too cloudy to get good shots. I guess I'd best try to get some sleep.

#$[Hailey/7D9.02.14 F:26:F5 9:80 -:

Nice pics for the conditions. 
It'd be a romantic view. 
Yeah, I'd kinda like to be there with you.

But I've got student teaching waiting for me here, and I've got to go meet with my supervisors today.

Get what sleep you can. 
Maybe you can find one of those old, traditional dinner-bed-and-breakfast style places when you get there, and relax and get organized before you talk with the BOE.

$ suspend

# 7D9.02.14 D:DB:5D (autosave)
# Hailey 9:80 -

$ resume

# shared: 7D9.02.15 4:3F:92
# Hailey 9:80 -

So I slept most of the way. 

Yeah, finding a db&b is my plan.

The bus driver was worried about the foreigner getting off alone before dawn in the middle of nowhere. I assured him that I could speak the language well enough to keep out of trouble.

But then the operator at the Deer Isles bus terminal seemed to really want to contact someone for me to meet. When I told her I was a few days early and would find myself a db&b until the scheduled meeting, she told me the db&bs would not let me register until after lunch and insisted I stay at Deer Isles Terminal and catch a later bus. Then she explained that the stop in Shining Springs is just a post by the side of the road, with not even a convenience store nearby. And the ferry terminal is a long walk.

There's a db&b within two long minutes' walking distance, but she says it's not that great a place.

You know me, I was all for going on anyway, but the bus driver went to the trouble of removing my luggage from the bus and putting it in the holding area for a later bus. So I gave in and now I'm spending a few hours in Deer Isles City.

#$[Hailey/7D9.02.15 4:51:55 9:80 -:

Now there's a woman who can talk some sense into you. 
Maybe you should marry her.

Hah. You know I'm just kidding.

But good for her.

#include "pic/0000B0" 3 compressed copy "
Sun coming up over the horizon in Deer Isles City -- taken outside the bus terminal. There are a couple of schools in view, the map says the near one on the left is an elementary school and the far one is a tech school. These are not schools where I will be scheduled to teach, I think. But if you were with me, you might have a chance to teach at one or both."

#$[Hailey/7D9.02.15 4:52:72 9:80 -:

Deer Isles City looks big city to me. 
Narrow streets, houses close together.
Is there any place in your beautiful Kingdom of Peace that isn't crowded like that?

And, I gotta say, you aren't convincing me of anything with this pic.

The operator is urging me to wait until the bus that arrives after noon. And she says she can arrange a taxi for me. Suggests I can hike around here a bit. Terminal staff will keep an eye on my luggage.

#$[Hailey/7D9.02.15 4:53:9B 9:80 -:

Now my radar is up.

I'm not inclined to ask that of them.

$ suspend

# 7D9.02.15 4:50:21 (autosave)
# Hailey 9:80 -

# chat request[Hailey private/7D9.02.15 4:55:01 9:80 -]

$ accept

# chat private: 7D9.02.15 4:55:87
# Hailey 9:80 -

Is this operator good looking?

You're asking me?
You know my opinions.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
So what is the beholder over there seeing?

Hang on, let me check.
I don't see her.
It looks like another operator has come on duty.

Male or female?

If you were here

I'd have to put up with 
Watching you watch the girls

you would see that I am not watching anyone.

And trying to guess which one has your eye.

Only you, Hailey, only you.

How am I supposed to believe that?

How am I supposed to prove something
 you won't see?

I know your aesthetic theories.
Moving attracts attention.
Attractive is what moves with confidence.
But beauty is what is most familiar and dear.


Aren't any men that rational.
And we haven't 
Known each other 
That long.

No couple knows the real beauty
in each other
until they've been married for years.

I don't want to wait that long
To know I can trust you.

If I thought it would prove to you
that I really do love only you,
I'd have put off the foreign teaching requirement
until you were ready.

But you didn't.

Because it wouldn't be the proof you need.
That proof can only be had
by keeping covenants together.
We could have made those covenants
and come here together.

Look who's talking.
I remember somebody besides me had qualms.

That was six months ago.
I talked it out with God.

Yes, you talked it out with God 
And your bishop.
But first you called me up at three in the morning
And scared me with your talk 
Of mistakes you made 
Under the stress of commitment
Making you doubt 
Whether your commitment to me was right.

I misunderstood.
I thought the errors were more serious than they were.

I know. 
If it hadn't been my heart on the rocks
I'd have thought it was cute.
Very idealistic.

I'm an idealist.

It took my bishop and yours
And both our parents
To convince you 
You were being too idealistic.


Your idealisms can be scary. 
You promised you'd stand by me.
Why aren't you standing by me now? 

I'm trying the best way I know how,
getting the advanced degree
 that you say I should.

It scares me,
You're changing your life
For me.

Why should it scare you?

I'm not that beautiful.

Yes you are.
You have to get past this fear.
You are beautiful to me.

But we really, really haven't 

Known each other 
That long.

 We knew each other before we were born.
I'm sure of it.

I'm just not sure.

It's the only explanation I can think of
for why I feel I've known you for so long.

I can't believe that easily.

I don't think you're going to be happy
until you do.

You're a great one for telling others
What they have to do.

I keep doing what you say you want
and watching it make you more unhappy.

How do you know what makes others happy?

If it made you happy
I don't think you'd keep asking me
to do more difficult things.

What am I asking that is so unreasonable?

Now there is a question
 I have to quit trying to answer.

Because I'm not being unreasonable.

If you were here I could kiss you.

And you've got to quit trying to solve your problems 
With kissing.
You didn't answer my question.
Is she good looking?
Is she beautiful?

I don't really remember,
so she must not be familiar to me
in any way.

Weasel words.

I remembered you
after the first time you said hi to me
at that dance.

But you don't believe in love at first sight,

So tell me about this woman.

Well, I remember she moved with confidence.

Uh, huh. 
And maybe you knew her 
before we were born, too.

 That's not fair.
I can't even remember her face.

I don't believe you.

I can't.

Uh, huh.

Hailey, I love you.

Why don't you come back where you belong?

We've had that conversation before.

Facts is facts. 
You never give in.

I've given in all too often.

If you aren't willing to come back
You should consider yourself free
To look as much as you want.

Zero isn't much.

You'd better believe 
I'll be looking.

What am I supposed to say to that?

When you come back,
If we're both still free,
Maybe we can talk again
About whether we should make those covenants
you say you want to make.


Until you're back here again,
I don't want to talk about that.

Then what can we talk about?

The lessons, 
the students, 
the people we meet, 
Just not that.

I'm glad you'll let us talk
about some things.

So go hike with your bus terminal operator.

That's not fair.

Besides, she's not around any more.

Anyway, go hike around that city
Since you're not going to do any regular sightseeing. 
I need to get ready for tomorrow.

Well, maybe.


Take care.

# chat Hailey private
# terminated by Hailey: 7D9.02.15 4:74:2A 9:80 -

$$ suspend browse

[Note(Joel): Xhilr has several species of large rodents, (or small cattle, depending on point of view) very simliar to the Earth's rabbit, and also several species similar to the hyrax. The kingdom whose language Hailey and Jeremy mention is named after the rabbit-like animals, not the hyrax-like ones. And there is a somewhat separate historical Land of the Hyrax-like-animal.

Also, their calendar, as I'm sure you have noticed, is hexadecimal. 7D9sixteen is 2009ten and 15sixteen is 21ten. And you might have guessed it, but the meridian is a true zero, and month and day numbering also use true zero, so 7D9.02.15 is the 22nd day of the 3rd month of the 2010th year.]


Backed up at,

Backup of the formatting mess that Google's editor made of the formatting (5th backup) here:

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